2024 Roster & Waitlist for New Students is Full

Please visit the ISR instructor locator to find the next closest instructor to you! I will have many more time slots to choose from next season!


  • A Set of Lessons for New Students or New Swim Float Swimmers is $750. Split in 3 payments of $250 / The First payment is due at the time of claiming your time slot. A refresher is $125 per week.

  • As I am in a season of transition, and just welcomed our 3rd baby, I am taking less students than normal in the calendar year of 2024. I will have 35 New Student slots available, and it is first come first serve. So Please sign up for my waitlist, as you will be the first people I e-mail with session dates and times available.

  • Every student’s lessons are M-F In the same 10 minute time slot you pick. For instance, if you choose 3:40pm as your time slot, you are expected to be at lessons Monday through Friday at 3:40pm-3:50pm. Attendance is mandator to your child’s success and retention. I only give make up days or credits in the event that I am absent for any unforeseen circumstance/ sickness.

  • If your child is between 2 years old to 6 years old, they will learn to swim, rollback to a float to rest and take a breath, then flip over to continue swimming.

    If your child is between walking and 2 years old, they will learn a small short swim, then will rollback to a float and stay there until help comes or they get to an edge/ surface.

    If your child is 6mo or sitting independently, they will learn how to rollback to a float, and maintain a float for an extensive period of time until help arrives.

Any other FAQ’s can be found HERE. If you are looking for Lessons sooner than April, search for another ISR instructor near you HERE.

About Coach Coco

Hello! Thank you for visiting my website, and taking interest in ISR swim lessons for your little one. A little bit about me! I have been with the ISR swim program for 3 years now, and other than motherhood - teaching survival skills to your babies is my passion! I love my job. And as mentioned, I am also a mama to 3 littles of my own - Elijah, Karis, and our new baby girl, Selah. My husband, Tim, and I have been married for 7 years, and I have grown up in Richmond since I was 8 years old. My roots and connections run deep in the area, and I love serving this community. My hobbies (that were once small businesses along the way) include photography, sourdough baking, and graphic design. My Favorite color are hues of blue-green. I love Jesus, Coffee, 75 degree days, Target runs, my chickens, nature walks, taking my kids on adventures, and going on dates with my husband. In your kiddos swim lessons we will laugh a lot, and I’ll get to know your sweet family as well. I look forward to it!